Back to School...
School is right around the corner, are you ready?! It may not seem like it, but a lot more goes on behind the scenes to prepare for the school year than you may think. The school year is much more than a number two pencil and a few rulers, the list of necessities is endless.

Is your brand cohesive?
It may not seem like it, but cohesion can make or break a brand. To say that there is a lot that goes in to a business, a brand, or a company would be an understatement. There is an endless list of things that go into creating and implementing the basics of a company.

Are you up with the times?
The opportunities to be the next coolest tech person in the office are endless. To be the coolest kid in the office with the coolest tech is everyone’s dream, right?! At least it should be if you ask us!

Independence Day
The 4th of July, also known as Independence Day has been celebrated all over the United States since 1941, but do we really even know what we are celebrating?! Of course that is, other than hotdogs, fireworks, and the best block parties around town..

The Fourth of July
The Fourth Of July is right around the corner, are you ready? By ready we mean, for themed office parties, picnics, swarays, gatherings, whatever you want to call it!

Summer Solstice
What do you know about it? Well summer solstice is here, and you may be wondering what that even means? So we have done a little research and looked in to it! This is what we learned and felt the need to share!

World Environment Day!
It’s an environmental awareness day. Did you know that World Environment Day is celebrated all across the world, this year’s World Environment Day is focused on beating plastic pollution, and that India is the host?

Are Your Promo Products...
Upholding everyone’s expectations? There is much to say about your brand’s promotional product quality and how well your fans, users, employees, etc. feel about it. If asked, what would those currently involved with your promo products say about them? With that being said, is yours up to your expectation?

Are You Ready?!
Warmer weather is FINALLY here! Promotional Products Work Week is here from May 14 to May 18, and if you don’t know what is well then you’re in the right place! We have taken it upon ourselves to break down what it is, and why you should care!

Promotional Products Work! Week
Promotional Products Work Week is here from May 14 to May 18, and if you don’t know what is well then you’re in the right place! We have taken it upon ourselves to break down what it is, and why you should care!

Cinco de Mayo
Cinco de Mayo stands for “Fifth of May” in Spanish, and is celebrated on the 5th of May, in memory of the unlikely victory of the Mexican Army over the French Empire at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862.

The Derby is here...
Are you ready for it? Ready for what you may be wondering, but the real question we should be asking is what aren’t you ready for?! But more often than not the time gets away from us and we forget to prepare for the fun, more enjoyable days until they are right in front of us happening.

Small business week...
Small business week is here, what are you going to do to celebrate it? Well, we’re glad you asked! There are many things you can do to celebrate all of National Small Business Week, especially if you are the owner or are a part of a small business!

Take a chance...
Why not? National Take A Chance Day is right around the corner, and you know what that means. It’s time to widen our horizons, take a leap of faith out of our comfort zones, and take a chance.

How to leave the perfect impact...
With your company t-shirts! With warmer weather finally on the horizon, we can all break out of the long sleeve shirts and get out the t-shirts for the summer. That is, if they are good enough to break out.

Why Shop Local?
Because mom and Pop small businesses rule. It is national mom and pop business owners day, and you know what that means, and if you don’t, you’ve come to the right place.

Is your brand fresh?
Is your brand as fresh as the spring air we are breathing? If your brand isn’t as fresh as the spring air we are breathing, you’ve come to the right place. Red Hot Promotions takes pride in our ability to freshen up any look, and get it ready for the coming season!

As the days grow longer,
Make sure you’re utilizing every waking minute We all know how it feels to lose that precious hour of sleep for many days, after the fact. You can do what most of us do and attempt to single-handedly drink a pot a coffee to shake the feeling of losing an hour, or you can take advantage of this extra hour.